Friday, August 7, 2020

funny expressions from space & rocket nerds

It would be a challenge to track down the true origin of each of these terms, but suffice it to say that most of them were created by real rocket scientists - the people who work on launch vehicles, spacecraft, missiles, satellites, and so on.

"Cumulogranite" - solid terrain, such as mountains, obscured by clouds and thus posing a navigational hazard to aircraft.

"Engine Rich Exhaust" - when your rocket engine's combustion products are high in metallic molecules,  particles, chunks, bolts, valves, fuel lines, perhaps the odd turbopump...

"Non-Passive Failure" - an explosion. For some reason, rocket jocks have a lot of different expressions for 'explode'

"Lithobraking" - similar to 'aerobraking' but done with rock instead of air

"Rapid Oxidation" - Also known as 'fire'.
example: "the vehicle underwent rapid oxidation" in other words, "the bloody vehicle was on fire, mate"

"Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly" - exactly what it sounds like.  Also known as an 'explosion'.
Elon seems fond of this one

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