Monday, August 10, 2020

wild hair

 I'm pondering how much it would cost me to convert my shop from inch to metric.

 It might not be as bad as I at first thought. For example, the mill switches over with the press of one button because I have a DRO on it and I never use the dials. The parallels I use for it have labels on them in inches, but it doesn't matter because I never look at those numbers.  The end mills I have are sized in inches, but that does matter a LOT, so long as I know what their dimensions are, and even that I don't usually need to know with any precision at all - just enough to calculate cutting speed.  Gradually I would probably convert them to mm just to make math easier... since that's kinda the whole point.

 Likewise my calipers switch with a press of a button, and feeler gauges and rulers are cheap...

The dials on the lathe would be a PITA however.

And worse, I have a lifetime of instincts and judgment built on measurement system which, while it may be stupid, is now thoroughly entrenched in my technical thinking and my visual and physical interactions with the world; I would have a lot of habits to un-learn, and until I re-adapted, I would not reap the benefits of being metric.

Hmmm... America... so advanced... >_<

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