Ending inspired by Burning Man, which moved from the beach to the Black Rock Desert the same year Tim and Rex made this episode... but they didn’t mention where they got the idea.
Of course, they also emphasized British computer developments, and didn’t spell out what ASCII stood for, heh.
But seriously, I’ve never seen any educational programs which explained how everyday things work as well as this old BBC series did, which is why I’m posting about it again. If you missed these when they were new, they are still pretty educational and interesting, and quite frankly, I am in love with their home-brew, low budget production values.
In my view, these guys were the original Mythbusters, if you grant that they built fun projects for each episode, and/or tore things apart, and/or blew things up, to educate while entertaining their viewers.
So if you’ve ever wondered how the old cathode-ray TVs worked, or how your microwave works, or a sewing machine... these are pretty entertaining, and although Rex has been gone for some time, Tim is still around and he has recently begun re-mastering the old shows into HD and adding interesting historical commentary to them on his YouTube channel.
He’s also got some very good introduction-to-components, maker-boot-camp type videos on his channel which are new and current which are especially good for those who would like to make or repair stuff, but who think they aren’t sufficiently “handy”, and aren’t sure where to start... you could start by watching Tim Hunchin’s channel and just fooling around in your garage (or at your kitchen table) - that’s how you become “handy”. ;)
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