, which is to say, Google, lied to me. So here's the thing: this blogging platform provides quite a lot of statistics about visitors to the blog, including per-post granularity.
And the stats page has been telling me for months that nobody was reading a damned thing I wrote. So, I felt I was wasting my time.
So now I have some human feedback telling me that - shock, surprise! - Google's shit is broke here too, just like search, just like YouTube...
I have plenty of trivia I could write about, but virtually none of it is particularly important or note-worthy, with the possible exception of an upgrade to my surgical-style shop light, which is finally getting the ceiling mount it needs, so that the @#$^)* salvaged Ikea Stolmen post - to which it was formerly attached - can get the hell out of the middle of the shop...
Well, I'm pleased that anyone is getting anything of value at all out of all this blather. Both I and my other half are recovering from various hurts, so it may be a while before much more appears here...
Yay! I mean, yay you're going to keep posting. Boo to the hurts. {{{{{[+]}}}}}
I am hoping you will keep going despite the misleading Google stats. Things you think are trivial may not be obvious to us mere mortals and are always interesting. Please keep up the sharing. I hope you both are feeling better soon.
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