Monday, June 29, 2020

life! give my creation life!

 I'm rebooting this blog, as a place to vent, or brag, or pontificate aimlessly as the mood suits me, about my current projects, and if I get terribly ambitious, about a future product or two.  In general, this will gradually become my personal blog for everything non-fetish.

 For a variety of reasons including real brain damage, I had to give up the "mad scientist" (amateur science) work I used to do, which was the original reason this blog existed.

 However, there will be small bits and pieces of remaining "mad scientist" stuff that I need to finish:

  • I have a little bit of work to do to finish My Last Tesla Coil, to make it reliable, prove its performance, and prepare it for sale
  • The Mad Scientist Light Switch, originally intended to control the lights in my workshop, needs to be finished and given to a friend for his workshop instead
 But since I am going to be doing work in the shop again, and some of it I do want to draw attention to, I thought I'd make a simple video to introduce my shop, and talk about some of the tools which are in it.
 It turned out not to be so simple, naturally. For one thing, my clumsy fingers kept hitting buttons on the phone and ending the recording prematurely. For another, I'm a bit camera-shy and inarticulate when recording myself, which will take me a while to get over.

 Until recently, the shop was a mess. A few days ago, we had a major thunderstorm with hail and an enormous amount of rainfall in a short period of time, which flooded our garage and my shop.

Cleaning up the water with the shop vac in wet mode got the floor extra clean, which got me to thinking about making a video about shop vacs, which got me to thinking that if I was cleaning the floor anyway, perhaps I could pick up the place sufficiently that I could do a longer video about the whole shop...

 So I'm editing that footage together now, although I'm back at work for the week, so it could take some time. This will serve to introduce my shop to newcomers and folks wandering over here from Tumblr or Fetlife.

Stay tuned!

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