Sunday, August 16, 2020

Q: What tools or machines do you want / need / plan to get, that you don't have yet?

 1. a floor-standing, vertical band saw, with large table, variable speed, blade welder & grinder, all that. I dream of a Do-All, but I'd settle for a Grizzly or Jet. Prices for used vary wildly of course, but one can plan to spend anywhere from $2k on up depending on size, features, brand, condition, etc.

2. a sheet metal "3 in 1" machine: shear, brake, and slip roll, 30" wide or so.  I haven't looked in a while, but that last time I did, they were about $300 - $400 for one this size (smaller).

3. a sandblasting cabinet, floor standing, about 40 pounds or so. These are surprisingly cheap, and a few simple and easy upgrades can make one of these into a super-tool.  This will save enormous amounts of time and costs pennies to operate. A filtered vacuum and full enclosure keeps dust out of the shop. I've used a friend's and they are wunderbar!  I'm seeing these for about $200.  A cyclonic dust collector attachment adds another $200.  Requires an air compressor with large flow (volume) capacity, which I have.

4. a shop crane, probably "2 ton" size. $250 - $500

5. a different welder, probably an all-mode power supply with a MIG whip, TIG whip, and a spool gun. Blue. ;)

6. a plasma cutter would be REAL NICE, faster, more economical, and safer than the oxyfuel torch I use now.

 I think I even blogged the rebuild process for that imported compressor right here in this blog years ago, but I think the pictures might be gone now.

 But on top of new machines or tools, there is always tooling for the mill and the lathe which can amount to an infinite variety of things, and an infinite amount of money... improvements in welding capability and my welding table... small machinist's tools...

So yeah, if any long-lost rich uncles feel like dropping a surprise on my head...

EDIT: many edits. There were originally only three items...

EDIT RIDES AGAIN: Because I could really have used the sandblasting cabinet for virtually every steel project that got painted I've ever built, and because it's so much cheaper than I thought it was, this is probably going to be my next big-ticket purchase. Even fresh new steel comes with mill scale which has to be removed before welding or painting... I am practically salivating over this item.


Hydrargyraneum said...

I don't have enough excess cash to donate any of these things, but if you're open to a 0% interest p2p loan to help support your endeavors I would gladly supply that. Really glad that you decided to revive this blog btw.

Railgap said...

Apologies for missing this comments, but BTW, I have no clue who you are? Anyway, I appreciate the offer, however I think I will find a way to float this on my own. We definitely have enough debt, both formal and family/dharmic. :)